Uncolored Reality

Just here to share some chaotic truths! Taboo lifestyles and more…There are two sides to every story, look over the rainbow.


Hey Loves I hope you will stay awhile after what I’m about to tell you all! I created this blog because I’m a passionate reader who creates engaging content daily on my other social platforms. By the way, if you haven’t checked me out yet on my socials, please go do so to stay up to date on all things books-related. This blog will feature weekly book reviews, and monthly book recommendations that I’m excited to share. Other than that I will be touching on the controversy but mostly on the minority side of subjects that I feel don’t get enough attention or clarity into why people feel the way they feel. I also want to write how I feel and one day write my own book so why not start here? I will feature short stories to get my messages across for these topics! Well if this sounds like something you might like go ahead and get a cup of whatever you like to drink, settle in, and indulge it’s about to get very HOT in here!